- Van Bunder, D. & Adam E. Sociale Mobiliteit en Onderwijs: Grenswerk (SMOG).
- Demedts, F., Kiili, K., Ninaus, M., Lindstedt, A., Reynvoet, B., Sasanguie, D., & Depaepe, F. (2024). The effectiveness of explanatory adaptive feedback within a digital educational game to enhance fraction understanding. Learning and Instruction, 94, 101976. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2024.101976
- Sasanguie, D., Larmuseau, C., Depaepe, F., Jansen, B. (2024). Anxiety about Mathematics and Reading in Preadolescents Is Domain-Specific. Journal of Intelligence 12(2):14.
- Elkin, G.A., Zabel, L.A., Van Bunders, D. (2024) Staff Perceptions of First-in-Family Students in Higher Education: A Case Study of a Belgian College. Journal of First-generation Student Success.
- Morsanyi, K., Peters, J., Battaglia, E., Sasanguie, D., & Reynvoet, B. (2023). The causal role of numerical and non-numerical order processing abilities in the early development of mathematics skills: Evidence from an intervention study. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crbeha.2023.100144
- Reynvoet, B., & Sasanguie, D. (2023). Angst voor wiskunde. Medi-Sfeer, 736, 24-27.
- Reynvoet, B., & Sasanguie, D. (2023). Angst voor wiskunde. Percentiel, 28(4), 10-12.
- Demedts, F., Cornelis, J., Reynvoet, B., Sasanguie, D., Depaepe, F. (2023). Measuring Math Anxiety through Self-Reports and Physiological Data. Journal of Numerical Cognition. Manuscript accepted for publication.
- Verbrugge, A. (2023). Pioniers in onbekend gebied. HOGENT.
- Vos, H., Marinova, M., De Leon, S., Sasanguie, D. & Reynvoet, B. (2022). Gender differences in young adults' mathematical performance: Examining the contribution of working memory, math anxiety and gender-related stereotypes. Learning and Individual Differences.
- Standaert, A., Desoete, A., De Coster, S., & Sasanguie, D. (2022). Personen met leerstoornissen. In S. De Pauw et al. (Reds). Orthopedagogiek als handelingswetenschap (pp. 289-318). Gent, België: Borgherhoff & Lamberigts.
- Van Hyfte, E., & van Gelder, W. (2022). Bewegingsbanen, bobbelbanen en freerunningtracks. Onderzoek naar een bijdrage van ‘bobbelbanen’ aan een brede motorische ontwikkeling. KVLO LO Magazine, 110 (7), 10-12.
- Van Hyfte, E., & van Gelder, W. (2022). Bewegingsbanen, bobbelbanen en freerunningtracks. Breed motorisch ontwikkelen bij ‘bobbelbanen’. KVLO LO Magazine, 110 (7), 7-9.
- Demedts, F., Reynvoet, B., Sasanguie, D. and Depaepe, F. (2022). Unraveling the role of math anxiety in students’ math performance. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:979113.
- Van Hyfte, E., Vercruysse, S., Warlop, G., & Lenoir, M. (2021). A Physical Education Program Based upon an Obstacle Course Positively Affects Motor Competence in 6- to 7-Year-Old Children : A Pilot Study. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 2021
- Reynvoet, B., Ribner, A.D., Elliot, L., Van Steenkiste, M., Sasanguie, D., & Libertus, M.E. (2021). Making Sense of the Relation between Number Sense and Math. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 7 (3), 308-327
- Desender, K., & Sasanguie, D. (2021). Math anxiety relates positively to metacognitive insight into mathematical decision making. Psychological Research- Psychologische Forschung, 86 (3), 1001-1013
- Marinova, M., Reyvoet, B., Sasanguie, D., (2021). Mapping between nummer notations in kindergarten and the role of home numeracy. Cognitive Development, 57, 101002.
- Desender, K., & Sasanguie, D. (2021). Math anxiety relates positively to metacognitive insight into mathematical decision making.Psychological Research. Advance online publication
- Marinova, M., Sasanguie, D., Reynvoet, B. (2021). Numerals do not need numerosities: robust evidence for distinct numerical representations for symbolic and non-symbolic numbers. Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung, 85 (2), 764-776
- Van den Bussche, E., Vanmeert, K., Aben, B., Sasanguie, D. (2020). Too anxious to control: the relation between math anxiety and inhibitory control processes. Scientific Reports, 10, Art.No. 19922, 1-10.
- Mutaf-Yildiz, B., Sasanguie, D., De Smedt, B., Reynvoet, B. (2020). Probing the Relationship Between Home Numeracy and Children's Mathematical Skills: A Systematic Review. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 11, Art.No. ARTN 2074.
- Reynvoet, B., Vanbecelaere, S., Depaepe, F., & Sasanguie, D. (2020). Intervention studies in math: a meta-review. Book Chapter accepted for publication in the Henik, A., & Fias, W. (Editors). Learning and Education in Numerical Cognition.
- Reynvoet, B., Marinova, M., & Sasanguie, D. (2020). Taking it of your shoulders: Providing scaffolds leads to better performance on mathematical word problems in secondary school children with developmental coordination disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 105, 103745
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- Schoolweigering. Waarover spreken we? (2019)
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- TALK - Teaching and assessing language for kids (2017)
- "Is dat iets voor mij, juf? Leerlingen versterken in het keuzeproces van basis naar secundair" (2017)
- Lettersoep: programma voor hardnekkige letterverwarring (2015)