Foto International Club Health Conference

Club Health Conference.

13th international edition


Club Health Conference.

This exciting three-day event will bring together experts from a wide range of fields to exchange information on the latest research, policy and practice on protecting and promoting health in nightlife settings.

poster club health belgium

The very first Club Health conference was held in the world famous Cream nightclub, Liverpool in 1997. Following the success of the event, The 1st International Conference on Nightlife, Substance Use and Related Health Issues was held in Amsterdam in 1999. Club Health conferences have since been held bi-annually in Australia, North America and throughout Europe. The 13th International Conference on Nightlife, Substance Use and Related Health will be in Ghent 2025.

Club Health Ghent 2025 aims to build capacity and capability among all groups with a stake in healthy and safe nightlife. These groups include government agencies and local authorities that regulate it law enforcement councils and public health professionals that manage it the club owners festival organisers and promoters that make it happen and the participants without whom it would not exist.

Plenty of networking and interaction opportunities with professionals in this field await you.

The key topics for Club Health 2025 include:


Artificial intelligence

Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs 

Design and management of nightlife environments

Drug legislation and drug law reform 

Digital technology 

Diversity and inclusion 

Emerging trends in club culture 

Emergency medicine 


Forensic testing of substances, ‘pill testing’ and ‘early warning systems’ 



Health and safety standards for nighttime environments 

Health interventions in nightlife settings

International nightlife tourism 


Nightlife legislation, policy and economic impact


Sexual health and risk-taking

Sexual harassment and violence

Social exclusion 



Workforce health and wellbeing 

Consult the conference website for programme details

Conference format

Club Health Ghent 2025 consists of plenary sessions featuring invited speakers, round table discussions, parallel sessions comprising submitted abstracts and poster presentations.  The official conference language is English. There will be no translation services available.  

Abstract submission is open 

Do you have new research, policy initiatives or practical experience that can show others from around the world how to make nightlife safer? We invite you to submit an abstract to share your knowledge and experience at the conference. To find out more or submit an abstract, click here.



For who?

The conference is open to all professionals dealing with or interested in (healthy) nightlife and related issues (caregivers, prevention workers, policy makers, emergency services, medical staff, youth services, justice personnel, etc..) .



Wed 14, Thu 15 & Fri 16 May 2025
Read more about Club Health 2025



Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 23
9000 Gent 
how to get there?


Tickets & Prices

  • Special discount conference 3 days + social event (until 20 December 2024): € 250 
  • Early bird conference 3 days + social event (from 21 December until 31 March): € 350
  • Conference 3 days + social event (normal prizing): € 450

Buy your ticket now


Info & Contact

HOGENT Research Centre SUPRB - Substance use and Psychosocial Risk Behaviours is a partner and co-host of this event.

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