HOGENT is one of the full partners of the U!REKA European University, which was launched in January 2024. This offers a lot of opportunities in terms of international cooperation and knowledge sharing, international curricula and research initiatives. And it contributes to a more sustainable European society.
The alliance will definitely transform HOGENT in the coming years. International cooperation is now inevitably high on the agenda and will lead to numerous initiatives from which lecturers, researchers, students and partners can benefit. In other words, recognition as a European University Alliance offers huge added value in several areas. But what does this mean specifically?
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What is a European University exactly?
European University Alliances are approved and funded by the European Commission through Erasmus+. This approval puts HOGENT in a select circle of 10 per cent of European higher education institutions that are part of such an Alliance. But it is much more than a prestige issue: being part of a European University Alliance offers a lot of opportunities in terms of international cooperation and knowledge sharing, international curricula and research initiatives.
Pleased to meet you!
Meet our U!REKA colleagues. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

Liesbet Cosyn: inspiring European collaboration
I am HOGENT’s institutional coordinator for U!REKA. I also focus on challenge-based education within U!REKA.
As institutional coordinator of HOGENT, I have set up an internal U!REKA structure in which colleagues in charge of the main U!REKA topics - student participation, challenge-based education, research and innovation, communication and dissemination - work closely together.
I maintain close relations with our local partners, the city of Ghent and the province of East Flanders. As U!REKA's international education, research and innovation focus on smart and sustainable cities, they are our preferred partners.
I also keep in close contact with other European universities and European associations to keep up-to-date with the latest developments, join forces and learn from each other.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in inspiring European collaboration or if you like to share ideas for international cooperation.

Karolien Steen: connecting researchers
I try to connect researchers from the different U!REKA partners in order to allow them to broaden their European network and do research together. European cities face common social challenges, albeit each with its specific emphases.
Within U!REKA European University, the focus is on:
- Climate Neutral Urban Communities
- Transition to Circular Society
- Innovative Governance Models & Citizen Engagement
But researchers outside these domains can also rely on us. We help them find relevant U!REKA partners and acquire funding for joint research projects. Through ‘Knowledge Creating Communities’, we actively involve stakeholders. For HOGENT, the city of Ghent and the province of East Flanders are important actors.

Koen Van Damme: promoting engagement and shaping common vision
I am the Engagement Lead at the U!REKA European University Alliance, where I drive collaboration and strategic initiatives to promote engagement. I'm coordinating the process of shaping the common vision,values and diversity and inclusion plan.
Apart from U!REKA, I am lecturing ethics and, as an entrepreneur, I'm specialising in communication and writing skills.

Nausikaä Lagrou: developing an inclusive and connected campus
Together with U!REKA colleagues, I am focusing on the development of an inclusive and connected (online) campus that should enable the various forms of collaboration for students, staff (researchers, teachers, administrative) and lifelong learners of the U!REKA partners. We are also working on ways to boost and support U!REKA mobilities and are exploring which parts of the partners' existing curricula can be offered to each other's students, staff, lifelong learners to promote digital and climate transition skills, as well as transversal skills.
For this objective, I try to share as much info as possible within HOGENT and gather expertise and input from other colleagues, from students and our local associated partners.