Having difficulties? Not feeling well? Need someone to talk to? Here you can find all the necessary information in order to contact the services that can help you.

Results are lacking? Courses are not as fun as expected? Should I go on with this? Our guidance and counselling service is there for you to help you out with your difficult questions!
Guidance and Counselling.
Has it been a while that you’ve used the necessary knowledge you already possess? Or do you simply want to know how things “roll” at HOGENT? Our preparatory courses are the answer to your questions. Most of these courses take place mid-September, right before the start of the academic year.
Questions about your choice of studies? Thinking about changing but not really sure to what or how? Our student advisor can help you out. Send an email to studieadvies@hogent.be or call us at +32 9 243 34 73 (between 8 am and 6 pm CET).
Questions about your study contract, your individualised learning path, supplementary course units or main subjects? Click on these links to learn more about our structure and procedures.
- Contract & trajectory
- Previously Acquired Competences (EVC)
- Previously Acquired Qualifications (EVK)
Every study programme has a designated learning path advisor who can help you with your questions. Check out our contacts page for more information.
Do you require more time for an examination? Is it impossible for you to attend to an examination at a certain time?
Individual education and examination measures are developed in order to make studying accessible for everyone and allow some specific measures for students who are otherwise left out. Students with a recognised disability, extraordinary statute, medical reasons or extraordinary social or individual circumstances can apply for individual measures.
These measures need to comply with four criteria:
- Necessity: without this measure it is impossible for the student to participate fully in education and examination activities
- Feasibility: the measure cannot cause any disproportionate work load to the organisation
- Justification: the measure is just and applies to the student’s situation
- Competence monitoring: the measure cannot alter the aimed learning outcomes, although it can alter the process as to how these learning outcomes are obtained.
The application procedure can be initiated by arranging an appointment with your learning path advisor. Do this as soon as possible, meaning the start of the semester.
During the intake conversation your learning path advisor will look over your learning path and decide whether an individual measure is necessary. The ultimate decision will be taken by your faculty, based on the four formerly stated criteria.
Every study programme has a designated learning path advisor who can help you with your questions. Check out our contacts page for more information.
HOGENT can allocate you an extraordinary statute if you can prove you fall under one of these four categories:
- recognised professional sportsman
- being an entrepreneur with a (recently started up) company
- professional artists, except for those who perform those arts related to their study programme at School of Arts
- carry out a mandate in:
- regulatory bodies of HOGENT and/or the Association
- student council of HOGENT and/or the Association
- participation commissions and/or study programme commissions of HOGENT
- councils, commissions and work groups outside of HOGENT, related to the educational field (VLHORA, VLOR, VVS,…)
- politics
The application procedure can be initiated by filling in the application form for your specific extraordinary statute and needs to be handed in by 15 October at latest. If you enrolled later than usual, the application needs to be handed in 15 calendar days after the date of enrolment. Click here to download each form (in Dutch) to save it on your hard drive. Fill in the form and send it to the corresponding contact person. The Commission will decide within a period of 30 calendar days if you are eligible for the statute. Note that this decision is only valid for one year and needs to be renewed at the start of a new academic year.
Professional sportsman
Lieve Lemaître
Sint-Denijslaan 251
9000 Gent
+32 9 243 37 50
Centre For Entrepreneurship
Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1
9000 Gent
Pascal Desimpelaere
J. Kluyskensstraat 2
9000 Gent
+32 9 243 36 15
Sofie Matthys
Geraard de Duivelstraat 5
9000 Gent
+32 243 34 52
Mental health.
Experiencing life as a student is not always as easy and fun, and you may encounter emotional and/or relational difficulties that keep you off your concentration, your studies… We know it isn’t easy, but we’re here if you need us.
Experiencing life as a student is not always as easy and fun, and you may encounter emotional and/or relational difficulties that keep you off your concentration, your studies… We know it isn’t easy, but we’re here if you need us. You can arrange an appointment with one of our dedicated staff members who will listen to your story. Entirely confidential.
Where you can get help
Whatever your concerns are, there will always be people ready to listen, to talk and to think about things with you. You can find a solution together with them. Discover who you can turn to for help.
Our HOGENT Social Service Division doesn’t offer any therapy services, but can help you in finding a therapy in the medical field that might be helpful for you. You can arrange an appointment with one of our dedicated staff members who will listen to your story. Entirely confidential.
Tip: MoodSpace is a place for students. Full of reliable information, tips and self-help to cope with emotional problems and study (resilient) vigorously.
Social Service Division
Overwale 42
9000 Gent
+32 9 243 37 38
Group training and workshops.
Are you a student in Ghent and do you want to work on your wellbeing? Several workshops are organised by 'Student in Warm Ghent', a collaboration between all higher education institutes of Ghent, City of Ghent, Logo Gezond+ and Fonds GaVoorGeluk.
A selection:
- fear of failure
- procrastination
- connection
- time-management
- exam stress
- selfcare
Students receive an invitation to the workshops via HOGENT e-mail and the electronic learning platform Chamilo.
Financial Support.
If you need basic information on your social status as a student in Belgium and on a number of different topics you can contact the Office for Student Services or read more centenvoorstudenten.be.
In some cases and under some conditions, if you meet all the requirements, you could be entitled to a scholarship. If you do not meet the requirements, you will have to fund your studies yourself and (if possible) apply for financial assistance and/or study aid in your home country.