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SUPRB - Substance use and Psychosocial Risk Behaviours.


SUPRB - Substance use and Psychosocial Risk Behaviours.

The SUPRB research center aims to promote psychosocial well-being in society.

SUPRB works to prevent and escalate risk behaviours that can lead to alcohol or drug problems, delinquent behavior, eating disorders and other non-communicable diseases.

This involves examining the behavioural determinants in individuals and their environments to arrive at interventions that reduce risk factors and strengthen protective factors.

The research focuses on 4 research domains:

  • Universal prevention of risk behaviours in adolescents
  • A safe and healthy nightlife
  • Gender-specific assistance
  • Advocacy and adoption of evidence-based interventions for alcohol and drug prevention


Do you have a question or do you wish to collaborate? Contact us via suprb@hogent.be.