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Research Centre for Sustainable Organizations.


Research Centre for Sustainable Organizations.

The Research Centre for Sustainable Organizations (SUOR) focuses on maximising sustainable value creation by organizations. Through interdisciplinary, practice-oriented scientific research and services, we support small and medium-sized organizations to generate more sustainable impact socially, ecologically and economically. Our expertise and developed tools empower these organisations to further strengthen their own activities in an independent manner.

Sustainable value creation and impact.

Commitment to sustainable development is a necessity in times of globalisation. It is becoming increasingly clear that current structures and processes collide with or even exceed various limits (climate problems, pollution, raw material scarcity, corona crisis, credit crises, ...). Consequently, betting on sustainable development for organisations is betting on three dimensions: simultaneously creating added value on an ecological, economic and social level. These three dimensions are strongly interconnected. Actions that create added value within one dimension may have pernicious effects on the other dimension(s). Therefore, there can only be effective, sustainable value creation if there is a positive impact within all three dimensions.


Enabling that sustainable impact requires a long-term approach and an interdisciplinary approach. The intertwining of economic, social and environmental aspects, coupled with the inherently complex nature of organisations, necessitates an integrated approach. An approach that focuses on one sub-domain of an organisation is insufficient to capture the effective impact. We examine the characteristics and criteria of the organisational system from an interdisciplinary perspective. To this end, the Research Centre for Sustainable Organizations focuses on modelling and implementing sustainable policies, as well as measuring and reporting impact. From six lines of research, we contribute to the realisation of our mission:

  • Business Modelling
  • Labour, Employment and HRM
  • Impact marketing
  • Partnerships and financing
  • Integrated reporting
  • Impact Measurement


Do you have a question or do you wish to collaborate? Contact us via sustainableorganizations@hogent.be.