Foto Exchange Programme Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition and Dietetics.


Nutrition and Dietetics.

The Nutrition and Dietetics programme of 30 credits is organized in the autumn semester and aims at offering higher education from an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary point of view.

The programme guides the student through a theoretical and practical training in current and global dietetic challenges. The programme stimulates working evidence based and strengthens the international and intercultural insights of the student to enrich their competencies in multidisciplinary teamwork, interprofessional collaboration and in patient-centered care. It also allows the student to make some choices to explore the field of the dietitian/nutritionist in Belgium or to add general skills like entrepreneurship, communication, …

The programme stimulates exchange and collaboration between students nutrition and dietetics and other healthcare professionals by offering students opportunities as guest lecturers, study trips abroad,…

Practical info

  • Please note that this exchange programme will be temporarily put on hold in the 2025-2026 academic year due to curriculum restructuring.

Questions about the content of the program?

Contact your International Academic Coordinator:

Practical questions?

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This programme offers the following courses during the autumn semester for a total of 30 credits

In-depth elaboration of a number of pathologies with very high relevance for dietetic practice (particularly diabetes, liver pathology, malnutrition, renal pathology, obesity and atherosclerotic diseases, cancer, ...). In addition, this course contains a “capita selecta” focusing on public health nutrition and disease prevention through dietary interventions.

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Implementing the intervention mapping model into a workshop or intervention for groups (associations, residential care homes, health care centers, …) with a specific dietetic need.

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This course unit comprises the following parts:

  • Theoretical base which is mandatory to motivate patients
  • Motivational interviewing techniques and other coaching techniques
  • Course work to train the motivational interviewing and coaching techniques

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This course consists of the following components:

  • meetings with students from other programs to elaborate on a case within an interdisciplinary team
  • developing meeting techniques
  • developing knowledge and understanding of responsibilities and vision of other disciplines
  • developing a treatment through the perspective of the student’s own discipline
  • drawing up common treatment goals and an individual treatment plan

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Flanders and Europe have been the subject of different historical migrations and form a community of different cultures. We live in a multicultural society. Moreover, the increasing economic globalization and the development of new and faster forms of transport and communication have caused distance and time to shrivel. The world has become a "global village". The care worker is increasingly confronted with people from different cultural backgrounds and should handle those differences properly and be aware of his own "cultural" glasses.

Through the application of the CLIM method within a multicultural society through the presence of incoming Erasmus students the students experience what it is like to work in an intercultural setting.

The course is based on the TOPOI model. TOPOI is the abbreviation of language, structure, persons, organization and effort. These are the five areas in which cultural differences and misunderstandings can take place. The TOPOI model includes a practical analysis and intervention framework to detect and deal with these cultural differences and misunderstandings in an intercultural contact.

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This course offers a better understanding of:

  • Organization of health care in Belgium
  • Future challenges
  • Health care professions in Belgium
  • Roles of health care professionals
  • Informal care
  • Interprofessional care

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Survival Dutch (3 ECTS)

This course is an introduction to the Belgian cultural and political characteristics. At the same time, it is a language course: learning Dutch is the central goal. Daily situations are the starting point to learn grammar, vocabulary and specific skills to function in a Dutch speaking environment.

As a result, the student should be able to:

  • Understand words and basic sentences about himself, family and close environment, when people are talking clearly and slowly
  • Understand sentences and messages on billboards, announcements, etc.
  • Use a number of expressions and sentences to describe oneself, family and other people, education, job, etc.
  • Participate in a simple discussion, when other participants are prepared to talk slowly and repeat certain things if necessary. The student should be able to ask simple questions and give answers as long as it concerns topics that are familiar.

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Entrepreneurship/social entrepreneurship (3 ECTS)

This course offers a profound understanding of (social) business modelling and aims to enhance the student’s entrepreneurial competencies. Ideas proposed by the students themselves will be developed into a real business project. Students work in small teams to achieve this goal.

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Cross cultural communication (3 ECTS)

This course consists of the following parts:

  • Introduction into the theory of intercultural communication.
  • Practical applications (exercises, cases) which are relevant for the professional life, especially regarding communication and cooperation with colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Defining cultural concepts and parameters
  • Cross-cultural interaction
  • The language of presentations and the body language for communicating efficiently
  • Comparing home and guest/host cultures, and how to act professionally and competently
  • English-language business communication, both spoken and in writing, with individual and team assignments.

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Alternative medicine (3ECTS)

This course provides evidence-based and theoretically underpinned nursing care based on clinical reasoning and an attitude of responsibility, a large degree of initiative and proactivity, in accordance with general and occupational legislation. The aim is to be able to provide tailored, client-focused nursing care, utilising appropriate technology. In order to guarantee patient safety, special attention to structure, punctuality and accuracy is necessary. Based on theoretical frameworks, international references and experience, develop a personal view of nursing and a constructive critical attitude. Continuously self-reflect on nursing actions, self-analyse learning needs and translate these autonomously into initiatives that enhance professionalism and quality of care.

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Public health care, international and intercultural orientation in nutrition and dietetics (3 ECTS)

This course focuses on dietetic education programs, work of dietitians all over the world (including their expertise) and their recognition by national authority, all of this within an international and intercultural dimension.

The course comprises the following parts:
  • Belgian health care system and interdisciplinary teamwork
  • international orientation: national and international dietetic profession and/or education program in dietetics and nutrition
  • nutrition and dietetic expertise: international and intercultural point of view

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Practice placement (exploring the field) (3 ECTS)

This course consists of observation and introduction to the job content as a dietician. The content depends on the company that offers the work placement. Possibilities are: food industry, research centers, clinical settings (hospital).

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Start locally, debate globally (3 ECTS)

The U!reka debates can be the stage of the U!reka partner institutions that offers university and university college students, teachers and interested parties a forum for reflection on those relevant social, cultural and scientific themes.

At the beginning of each semester, one kick-off session is given by the organizing institution with detailed information about the course. This will be followed by an opening lecture. The other partners organize two lectures, one in each semester, with the same theme given by experts from various fields or disciplines.

Each lecture is followed by a debate or by questions from the audience. Partner institutions can follow the lectures via live stream.

Study Guide U!reka Debates

Design Thinking Lab(3 ECTS)


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