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Digital tools for heritage management.


Digital tools for heritage management.

As from autumn 2022, HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts offers a new international exchange programme: Digital tools for heritage management. This is a specialised course on spatial data (GIS), laser scanning, 3D modelling, heritage management and community management. This 30-credit package is offered for the first time in september 2020 in cooperation with the Heritage Management Organization (Heritage, Greece).

Practical info

  • Welcome days: 21 & 22 September 2023
  • Start of the programme: 25 September 2023
  • Start of Exams: 8 January 2024
  • End of semester: 2 February 2024

Questions about the program?

Contact cornelis.stal@hogent.be

The programme is a 1 semester course (autumn semester) and offers the following courses for a total of 30 credits:
  • Surveying methods (4 ECTS)
  • Land Surveying in practice (4 ECTS)
  • Data Processing (4 ECTS)
  • International Land Surveying Project (6 ECTS)
  • Cartoghaphy and GIS (4 ECTS)
  • Introduction to heritage management 1 (4 ECTS)
  • Introduction to heritage management 2 (4 ECTS)