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Business, Retail and Languages.


Business, Retail and Languages.

The School of Business and Management offers an extensive English-taught curriculum and attracts high numbers of exchange students from its many European partner institutions. The added value of an international experience cannot be underestimated. Since courses are taught in English, we require the students to have a good command of the English language (B2 level is advised).

This international curriculum is open for business, retail and language students and is offered twice a year. The programme includes a wide range of subjects such as finance, strategy and entrepreneurship, law, marketing, languages (English, French, German and Spanish), and cross-cultural topics.

Practical info autumn semester

  • Welcome days: 21 & 22 September 2023
  • Start of the programme: 25 September 2023
  • Start of exams: 8 January 2024
  • End of semester: 2 February 2024

Practical info spring semester

  • Welcome days: 8 & 9 February 2024
  • Start of the programme: 12 February 2024
  • Start of exams: 21 May 2024
  • End of semester: 30 June 2024

Questions about the
content of the program?

Please contact your International Academic Coordinator School of Business and Management:


Particular study expenses

Practical questions?

Please contact your Incoming student advisor: incoming@hogent.be

The international curriculum is open for business and language students and is offered twice a year. The programme includes a wide range of subjects such as finance, strategy and entrepreneurship, law, languages (English, French, German and Spanish) and cross-cultural topics.

Online catalogue

Select courses according to your educational background and future aspirations. Compose your curriculum by choosing a coherent set of courses: Commercial Track (Business Management) - Financial Track (Business Management) - Languages (Languages ). Try to stay in the same track to avoid overlap with scheduling. For language courses, you need to meet the minimum Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level indicated.

Online catalogue

Select courses according to your educational background and future aspirations. Compose your curriculum by choosing a coherent set of courses from one or more of the subject areas below. For language courses, you need to meet the minimum Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level indicated.

Autumn semester.

Commercial track

Financial track


Language track

Spring semester.

Commercial track

Financial track


Language track

Sustainability coordinator track

This one-semester programme (March 3, 2025 - May 31, 2025), totaling 30 ECTS, is designed to prepare you for the role of a sustainability coordinator within an organization or a sustainability advisor.

Become a sustainability pioneer in the first European internationally-oriented micro-credential programme certified with a UNITAR training certificate, and also the first micro-credential programme of the U!REKA European University.

The programme adopts interactive teaching methods and encompasses the competencies defined in the European Sustainability Competence Framework, commissioned by the European Commission. You cannot mix with other courses. Limited places.

Read more about this track ->


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