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Applied Information Technology.


Applied Information Technology.

The School of IT and Digital Innovation offers an English-taught curriculum and attracts high numbers of exchange students from its many European partner institutions.

This international curriculum is open for Applied Information Technology and Computer Science students. The programme includes a wide range of subjects such as Artificial Intelligence, Application and Web Development, System Engineering, Databases, Data Analysis, the Mainframe world and cross-cultural topics. We ask the students to have a detailed look at the prerequisites.

Without a doubt, the added value of an international experience cannot be underestimated. Since courses are taught in English, we require the students to have a good command of the English language (B2 level is advised).

Practical info autumn semester

  • Welcome days: 19 & 20 September 2024
  • Start of the programme: 25 September 2024
  • Start of exams: 6 January 2025
  • End of semester: 31 January 2025

Practical info spring semester

  • Welcome days: 6 & 7 February 2025
  • Start of the programme: 10 February 2025
  • Start of exams: 19 May 2025
  • End of semester: 27 June 2025

Questions about the content of the program?

Contact your International Academic Coordinator: femke.cornette@hogent.be

Practical questions?

Contact your International Academic Coordinator: incoming@hogent.be

Autumn semester.

This is a course that focuses on project-based learning. The students are able to:

  • use a tool for CI / CD
  • autonomously develop a complex and real native mobile application
  • write legible and clear code in accordance with the usual style
  • document code and a project
  • develop a robust application in a specific programming language
  • detect, analyze and solve security problems in a complex and real application
  • detect, analyze and solve performance problems in a complex and real application
  • translate a request for information into the correct database environment, structure and SQL statements, starting from a real case.
  • formulate and convey advice in a professional manner adapted to the target audience
  • draw up a qualitative and correct advice
  • work autonomously according to the principles of agile strategy within the area of expertise (Scrum, KanBan) in a complex ICT project
  • independently draw up a test plan within the area of expertise for a complex project
  • develop a complex high-quality application of a client according to an agile software development method by carefully going through the various steps under the supervision of a teacher
  • work independently according to long-term planning and agreements, can make ample preparation and anticipate consultation, can organize a retrospective and optimize the organization
  • estimate how to maintain smooth and professional contact with fellow students, teachers and clients and can communicate proactively when deadlines are not met
  • strive for perfection and proactively adapt work taking into account customer needs
  • spontaneously and specifically look for a unique innovative solution
  • spontaneously ask for feedback from all stakeholders, can provide constructive feedback spontaneously and proactively.
  • reflect proactively and stimulate others under the supervision of a teacher
  • work in a stimulating way with others and actively contribute to teamwork. The team is self-managing and can resolve conflicts under the supervision of the teacher
  • explain the principles of an accessible UI
  • develop a UI using a declarative language or framework

The student can critically analyze complex IT needs and questions, present them in a structured manner, and provide appropriate advice on a tailored solution for the organization and its impact. The students are able to:

  • autonomously develop and visualize a complex process using BPMN after elicitation
  • analyze and map business processes
  • explain various elicitation techniques
  • apply various elicitation techniques
  • explain the different testing stages
  • develop a customer journey in a given situation
  • defend their own design of a business process
  • explain the concept of a customer journey
  • identify and indicate differences between project methodologies used in the business world and theoretical representations
  • comment on differences between project methodologies used in the business world and theoretical representations

The main aim of the course is for students to see within their own field of expertise whether an A.I. solution is useful and realistic. Here, we mainly want to focus on the possibilities of A.I., but also on the fact that A.I. has its limitations and is not a "miracle solution" for all problems. Moreover, we also want to make students aware of the fact that some problems are better tackled in the "traditional" way and that using A.I. would only mean additional ballast. To achieve this objective, some knowledge of concepts related to A.I. is nevertheless needed and these are formulated in additional objectives of the course unit. The students are able to:

  • define various terms related to AI
  • name the importance of good data for A.I. (different dimensions of data)
  • name and explain different cost items of an AI project
  • identify and categorise possible errors: bias, privacy and human error
  • explain that the allowed error rate varies depending on the application
  • name the different phases of training a model (training, testing, operationalising) and articulate the importance of each phase
  • identify known solution methods in examples: cost-based search algorithms, minimax
  • name examples such as AI/no AI possible to solve problem, supervised learning/unsupervised learning, with/without pitfalls
  • identify and indicate differences between project methodologies used in the business world and theoretical representations
  • present a problem within their own field and evaluate whether an AI solution is useful and realistic

Online catalogue

Select courses according to your educational background and future aspirations. Compose your curriculum by choosing a coherent set of courses from one or more of the subject areas below.
For language courses, you need to meet the minimum Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level indicated.


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