Foto Exchange Programmes

Exchange programmes.


Exchange programmes.

An exchange student is a student who temporarily studies at HOGENT for one semester or academic year, but stays enrolled at her or his home institution. Exchange students are expected to earn credits which they can transfer to their degree studies at their home institution.


AgroFood Sustainability

In this programme students and teachers explore concepts and practical applications of what a sustainable agri-food system might look like. Students following this program are introduced to the principles of sustainable agriculture and food production, green management, circular agri-food systems and global sustainable development.

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The international curriculum Audiology consists of profession specific topics, an audiology placement as well as interprofessional and elective cross-curricular subjects (innovation in healthcare, quality of live, evidence based practice, entrepreneurship).

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Applied Information Technology

This international curriculum is open for IT students and is offered twice a year. The programme includes a wide range of subjects such as mobile application development, e-business, system engineering, data analysis, the mainframe world...

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Business, Retail and Languages

The international curriculum is open for business and language students and is offered twice a year. The programme includes a wide range of subjects such as finance, strategy and entrepreneurship, law, languages (English, French, German and Spanish), ...

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Digital Tools for Heritage Management

Digital tools for heritage management is a specialised course on spatial data (GIS), laser scanning, 3D modelling, heritage management and community management. This 30-credit exchange programme is offered in cooperation with the Heritage Management Organization (Heritage, Greece).

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The Education programme (preprimary, primary and secondary) delivers active professionals who are perfectly prepared for the future challenges of their profession. This programme, with a multidisciplinary approach, chooses active practicing over passive learning and enables you to build your own curriculum to a great extent.

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Fashion & Textile Technology

As from autumn 2024, HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts offers a new international exchange programme: Fashion & Textile Technology. This 30-credit exchange programme focuses on technical skills in both fashion technology and textile technology.

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Studies have shown that exchange experiences have long-lasting positive effects on students. Collaboration and networking are important action tools for every healthcare professional to sustain or improve quality of care. 

Please note that this exchange programme will be temporarily put on hold in the 2025-2026 academic year due to curriculum restructuring.

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Nutrition and Dietetics

The programme guides the student through a theoretical and practical training in current and global dietetic challenges. The programme stimulates working evidence based and strengthens the international and intercultural insights of the student to enrich their competencies in multidisciplinary teamwork, interprofessional collaboration and in patient-centered care. 

Please note that this exchange programme will be temporarily put on hold in the 2025-2026 academic year due to curriculum restructuring.

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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a health care profession based on the knowledge that purposeful activity can promote health and well-being in all aspects of daily life. The aims of occupational therapists are to design and facilitate initiatives that prevent illness and injuries, promote health and improve well-being and inclusion. 

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School of Arts

The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) and the Royal Conservatory constitute the School of Arts of HOGENT. The school brings together talented and motivated students with outstanding educators, active artists, designers and theorists in art and design from all over the world.

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Sports Programme

The Sports programme delivers active professionals. Professionals who are perfectly prepared for the future challenges of their profession. This programme, with a multidisciplinary approach, chooses active practices over passive learning and enables you to build your own curriculum to a great extent. We offer an autumn and a spring programme, which have partly different contents.

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Social Educational Care Work

This student exchange programme of 30 credits is organized in the spring semester. It offers an interdisciplinary, innovative, international and intercultural approach within the field of Social Educational Care Work.

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Social Work

The Social Work programme of 30 credits is organized in the spring semester and aims at offering higher education from an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary point of view. Collaboration, networking and connection are important action tools for every social worker to win the battle against social inequity.

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Speech and Language Pathology

The international curriculum Speech and Language Pathology contains profession specific courses (paediatric rehabilitation, autism, health promotion, intercultural competences), an SLP placement as well as interprofessional and elective cross-curricular subjects.

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Wood Technology

The wood industry is a global industry: wood is processed and traded worldwide and teams in the field are often multicultural. This 30-credit exchange programme therefore strongly focuses on competences on cooperation and communication in an international context, in addition to technical skills. 

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Important! You can only be considered as an exchange student if there is a valid bilateral agreement between your home institution and HOGENT.