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Teacher Training.


Teacher Training.

Pre-Primary Education

This three year programme focuses on the infant and his social world. The programme learns the student to encourage and support infants in their growth process through games and specific activities. Fascinating activities are integrated in which the infants learn to use their bodies and their mental and social world in a creative and expressive way. This takes place within the context of language, mathematics, musical and plastic education, physical education and world orientation.

Above all, the course programme is practically-oriented. Observing, experiencing and experimenting in specific situations encourages to think, consult, question, research, study and practise in order to go back to practice with more baggage.

During the internships and classes the skills are broadened until the entire sphere of activity of a nursery school teacher is known in the third year.
Personal motivation, interest and enthusiasm are strong assets to form our students in function of the children that will be in their care.

Primary Education

This programme aims to students fascinated by the development of six to twelve year old children. Students who are able to express their selves in Dutch, in writing as well as orally and who have a broad general cultural and social interest.

In the renewed professional bachelor programme, theory and practice are integrated. After a few weeks the students already comes into contact with the primary school and its pupils. The share of internship grows progressively. The course programme enables our students to work on their own professionalization.

The programme intends to give a coherent  package of competences that are necessary to become a teacher. Problem-directed assignments stimulate the curiosity. The teaching staff uses a thematic and project-directed programme that leaves room for initiatives that integrate the different fields of learning.

Secondary Education

The future bachelor of secondary education will see twelve to sixteen year old pupils through general and technical secondary education. They can coach vocational secondary education pupils through their entire programme.

Our course programme offers:

  • decent classes and internships for knowledge and insights the student will have to be able to pass on later
  • team work integrating several course components
  • different methods teaching to pass on knowledge and skills to young people: working out and realizing projects, practical exercises
  • internships in which teaching can be practised
  • making a portfolio to support the learning process and develop a critical attitude in order to use reflecting abilities as a means to optimise the learning process