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Social-educational Care Work.


Social-educational Care Work.

As an educationalist you play a pivotal role in the support of children, adolescents and adults who depend on remedial educationalists because of various disabilities or circumstances. You will be trained to work in a broad professional field and with different kinds of target groups.

  • Children and adolescents (0-18 years) in difficult educational situations within the family or other educational contexts.
  • Children and adolescents in vulnerable educational situations because of developmental, behavioural, educational or family problems (e.g. ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, etc.).
  • Children and adolescents with learning disabilities (dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc.)
  • Children, adolescents and adults who need support in their day-to-day life due to a disability (physical, mental, visual, auditory, etc.).
  • Children, adolescents and adults who are suffering from emotional and/or physical disorders (depression, fear of failure, etc.).
  • Adolescents and adults who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse
  • Elderly in vulnerable situations
Theory and practice are closely linked.

By delving deeper into one of the target groups above, through the internships, projects and through your field of specialization, you will be able to decide what you want to focus on and largely determine your own learning program.

The first model track offers you a general framework and puts emphasis on the individual. In the second and third one we will broaden that knowledge and have a look at the group and society as well.

Theory and practice are closely linked. Your theoretical course units are based on case studies, guest speakers from the professional field or video footage. We use a wide array of teaching methods: lectures, guided assignments via e-learning, project-based and experience-based learning and guided self-study.

In small groups you will get acquainted with the content of your job and the requirements needed from an educator/caregiver. Two important professional competences are critical for such a job: critical thinking and treating others in a respectful manner.