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Office Management.


Office Management.

The bachelor in Office Management consists of three majors: Business and Languages, Business Translation and Interpreting and Healthcare Management.

It is a polyvalent training. Office Managers not only have a supporting administrative role but also assist the management by thinking along and by working pro-actively and problem-solving, hence the need for the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Graduates have a thorough knowledge of Dutch, the mother tongue, French and English, and some of Spanish and/or German as well. They can communicate efficiently and customer-friendly, work with the most recent ICT applications and are familiar with the economic, legal and administrative aspects of companies and organisations.

Moreover, they have social skills such as flexibility and empathy, are immune to stress and are able to work independently and in team. The training is rounded off by a three-month internship in a company, institution or organisation at home or abroad. Medical management assistants are employed in medical practices, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and various medical and social services. Management assistants and business translators-interpreters are employed in a wide range of companies, institutions and organisations.