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The bachelor programme in electromechanics focuses on electricity, mechanics and electronics. After the first year, students can opt for one of the main subjects: automation, electromechanics or HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling), depending on their interests.


The bachelor programme in electromechanics, main subject automation, combines expert knowledge and excellent skills in designing, building, trouble-shooting, repairing and maintaining automated machinery and equipment with the ability to do tear-downs and rebuilds. There is an urgent demand for these students’ skills in industrial plants with a modern and competitive production apparatus increasingly becoming more automated and more complex.


The bachelor programme in electromechanics, main subject electromechanics, provides students with thorough knowledge of pneumatics, hydraulics, PLC, computer techniques, management, languages, CAD, CAM and CNC. These students are employed from design to production.

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling

The bachelor programme in electromechanics, main subject HVAC, trains students in the technologies applied in the air conditioning sector. Students receive a sound training in designing, building and maintaining HVAC installations. Air conditioning in commercial and public buildings, factories, warehouses, conveyance and recreation facilities is set up by our students.

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Course descriptions

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Course descriptions