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Studying at HOGENT as an exchange student is an adventure full of new experiences, challenges and growth opportunities. Marta Santander Baños, Martyna Wyrwa and Amarens de Jong share their views and experiences on their Erasmus trip to the vibrant city of Ghent.


portretfoto Marta

Marta Santander Baños.


Marta's decision to embark on an Erasmus journey was driven by her love for languages and her curiosity about new cultures. Opting for Belgium over her initial choice of France, Marta found herself captivated by Ghent's picturesque streets, historic charm and bustling atmosphere. At HOGENT, she appreciated the practical learning, which differed from her home university's approach. The teachers' kindness and dedication created a supportive environment that encouraged her to become more open-minded. In her free time, Marta enjoyed going for a coffee, participating in ESN activities or seizing the opportunity to explore Europe from Belgium's central location. Marta’s Erasmus journey provided many enriching experiences. This allowed her to further develop her personal growth and become independent.

“While Ghent wasn’t my initial preference, a friend's recommendation convinced me to give it a chance, and I'm glad I did. I would undoubtedly choose it again. Navigating through Ghent is remarkably convenient. Everything is within walking distance and public transport is user-friendly. I was amased by the HOGENT campus. It’s really modern and has everything you need, like a library and even a gym. My advice for future Erasmus students would be to enjoy the experience because it only happens once in a lifetime and to say yes to plans, but don’t forget about your classes either. I would recommend it to everyone because it was an opportunity to learn about myself and I feel like I grew up.”

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Martyna Wyrwa.


Martyna went on Erasmus to explore beyond her comfort zone and familiar social circles. During her time abroad, she enjoyed learning about cultural and academic differences. One aspect that stood out to her was the warmth and openness of the teachers at HOGENT. Martyna felt warmly welcomed, as most Belgians are fluent in English and are hospitable. She also felt very safe living in Ghent thanks to the constant presence of people in the streets and vigilant police surveillance. Building friendships came effortlessly. During the HOGENT welcoming days, she connected with fellow Erasmus students and embarked on a boat tour, capped off with shared laughter over fries and beer.

“HOGENT made me like studying. In Poland you don’t learn to understand, but to pass. At HOGENT you understand what you learn. I also enjoyed the hands-on teaching style and approachability of teachers. I was shocked when teachers joined in when students were presenting themselves. If I were to give only one piece of advice to future Erasmus students, it would be to push past the bureaucratic hurdles because it is so worth it. Embrace this opportunity to broaden your horizons, to make lifelong friendships, and to shape your own unforgettable Erasmus story in this dynamic Belgian city.”

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Amarens de Jong.

The Netherlands

For Amarens, Erasmus presented an opportunity for personal and academic growth. Drawn to Ghent's reputation as a lively student city, Amarens quickly found herself immersed in its charming cafes and bustling nightlife. Connecting with other Erasmus students was easy thanks to the variety of events hosted by ESN or HOGENT. She had no difficulties finding housing since HOGENT provides student dorms and helps incoming students with their housing. Living abroad helped her shape her professional future too. In the Netherlands she studies European Studies, which is a combination of political courses and intercultural courses. Being surrounded by many different cultures made her realise that she prefers a job with a focus on interculturality.

“I cherish the newfound independence and diverse perspectives gained during my time in Ghent. You are all alone in Ghent so you can’t go home for a short period. Even during tough times, you learn to persevere. On another sidenote, my English has significantly improved through frequent practice and conversation. If I were to sum up my Erasmus adventure in 2 words, it would be fun and enlightening. For anyone thinking about doing Erasmus: just do it! It’s really worth it and you’ll make many unforgettable memories.”